How LeapPoint Influenced 50% of Opportunities in 8 Months

June 24, 2024


Driving More Powerful Experiences through Connected Work®

LeapPoint, a digital advisory firm, has been at the forefront of helping Fortune 1000 companies redefine the integration of people, processes, and technology through Connected Work®. With deep experience in Content Supply Chain, as well as implementing Adobe Workfront and building integrations across the Adobe Experience Cloud platform and beyond, LeapPoint has dedicated itself to helping large marketing organizations drive greater efficiency, collaboration, and productivity.


Sharing the Vision of Connected Work in an Ideally Targeted Way

LeapPoint was on a mission to redefine their approach to engaging and connecting with their ideal customers.

“Our vision of Connected Work was really resonating with some of the most recognizable brands in the world. The question became: how do we build on that success and get the message of Connected Work out to the market in a more focused manner, based on industry, to attract the right customer at the right time?” – Nik DeBenedetto, CEO of LeapPoint

Prior to leveraging RollWorks, the company’s demand generation efforts were mostly partner-driven, with a mix of ad hoc events and campaigns. LeapPoint needed to shift gears to be more strategic and share their point of view in a more cohesive and impactful way.

"We really had to take a step back and look at who we are trying to reach, and then how can we best get in front of them to build direct relationships, trust, and visibility." — Megan Cacioppo, Head of Marketing at LeapPoint


Choosing RollWorks for Targeted Precision and Efficiency

LeapPoint's choice of RollWorks was a strategic move towards more intelligent, data-driven digital marketing. What made RollWorks the perfect fit wasn't just its knack for serving up customizable messaging in a user-friendly package, but also its ability to deliver real-time insights into engagement and intent.

The platform's intent-related data, granular messaging capabilities, and effortless campaign setup were perfect for a team like LeapPoint, looking to maximize efficiency without compromising quality or focus.


Using Smart Data Tools to Reach Out Better

With RollWorks, LeapPoint unlocked the power of sophisticated data tools to enhance their outreach. They used features like website visit tracking and keyword intent to prioritize which accounts to engage with and when. This shift to a more data-driven strategy marked a significant maturation for the company, enabling LeapPoint to promote the power of Connected Work with a more personal touch and direct impact.

"It was the one-two punch of the ease of getting the right messaging to the right audience coupled with the intent-related data that drew me to RollWorks. I knew that having that level of intelligence would allow our small but mighty team to more easily prioritize prospecting and then reach out to accounts that were hot in a more informed way." — Megan Cacioppo, Head of Marketing at LeapPoint

The convenience of pre-built playbooks and campaigns, coupled with the ease of ad uploads and automated reporting, significantly reduced the time and effort required for campaign launches. This efficiency allowed LeapPoint's marketing team to focus on refining their strategies and making quick, data-informed adjustments.

"RollWorks facilitates the ability to get really granular with the messaging, doing different ads and flows based on lots of various factors." – Megan Cacioppo, Head of Marketing at LeapPoint

Additionally, the integration between RollWorks and Salesforce made it easy for the LeapPoint sales team to prioritize prospecting. Automated reporting tools like spiking email reports delivered daily insights directly to their inboxes, making it easier for the sales team to act on hot leads. RollWorks' seamless integration also meant relevant data was embedded within Salesforce, streamlining access and use.

RollWorks' influence revenue report became instrumental in demonstrating the marketing team's impact to LeapPoint’s executive leadership team and their board. These reports justified marketing spend and showcased direct revenue impacts and influence, simplifying the task of conveying the value of their marketing efforts. LeapPoint also leveraged ABM as a compelling selling point with its partner Adobe, showcasing their ability to target specific accounts effectively and offer data-driven insights for smarter, more productive conversations.


Impressive Growth and Enhanced Market Reach

The partnership between LeapPoint and RollWorks led to some awe-inspiring achievements. Here's a snapshot of the standout results:

  • Ad influence on 50% of all opportunities in just eight months 
  • 12% higher win rate for opportunities influenced by ads served by RollWorks 
  • 167% increase in average revenue for influenced opportunities
  • Click-through rates above industry average benchmarks (ranging from 1 – 2.9%)
  • Playbook engagement rates above industry average benchmark (36.4%)

But it wasn't just about numbers. The quality of traffic and engagement shot up, too, with the right target accounts consistently visiting the site. LeapPoint has seen 84% of unique visitors, 72% of page views, and 45% of engaged visitors directly tied to RollWorks campaigns.


Empowering Marketing Strategies with RollWorks’ Integration

"RollWorks has allowed us to do everything a lot smarter. RollWorks isn’t just the software itself, it’s the partner and the people behind the tool that has helped make our program so successful." — Megan Cacioppo, Head of Marketing at LeapPoint

LeapPoint's collaboration with RollWorks has been, and continues to be, transformative. RollWorks brought more than time savings and efficiency; it fostered a deeper, more strategic alignment between LeapPoint's marketing and sales efforts and allowed the company to tell the story of Connected Work to the right customers at the right time. The platform's insights and targeting capabilities meant LeapPoint could now focus on the accounts that mattered most, including uncovering potential opportunities that might have previously been missed.


Aiming Higher and Digging Deeper

The story doesn't end here for LeapPoint. Looking forward, they're set to dive even deeper into RollWorks' capabilities. There's a keen focus on refining campaign messaging and targeting specific accounts more precisely. With exciting features like Workflows on the horizon, LeapPoint is poised to sharpen its marketing strategies further. The goal is clear: smarter, more effective campaigns—especially for existing clients—unlocking the door to expansion within these accounts.


  • Complete Strategic Overhaul: LeapPoint didn't just tweak its marketing, it revolutionized it to connect effectively with its ideal audience.

  • Data-Driven Precision: RollWorks empowered them to direct their marketing efforts exactly where they needed to be, with precision and insight.

  • Substantial Growth: The results speak for themselves—more opportunities, higher engagement, faster sales cycles, and bigger deals.

  • Bright Future Ahead: With an eye on upcoming enhancements and a deeper integration of RollWorks, LeapPoint is gearing up for even more success.


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