How Getting Intentional with ABM Elevated Bombora’s GTM Strategy

April 30, 2024

Case Study Overview for Bombora


Bombora is the largest aggregator of B2B Intent data, providing comprehensive and privacy-compliant insights that help businesses identify customers most ready to buy.


The demand gen team knew they could improve their reach and drive more engagement if they refined their advertising strategy—they just needed a way to prove ABM was working. 


17% higher CTR on RollWorks compared to non-intent display campaigns
● 67% higher conversion rate on RollWorks compared to non-intent display campaigns
● 10x increase in influenced pipeline with ABM approach on RollWorks


An Intent Data platform ready to refine its own targeting efforts. 

When Brandon Santos, senior digital marketing manager, joined Bombora in early 2020, the company was already using RollWorks to serve ads and create target account lists.

At that point, we were using it, but without much intention,” said Brandon. “After revamping our offers, creatives, and campaigns, it was so easy to go into RollWorks and see the in-depth, unique, and customizable reporting options.”

As Brandon continued to iterate, real-time reporting helped the team remain agile when it mattered most.

I was able to quickly track and measure changes to prove that we were going in the right direction.”


Drive engagement at the best target accounts and increase their likelihood to convert into pipeline.

As internal momentum around ABM grew, Brandon and the demand gen team wanted to expand and extract more value from its account-based activities.

For Bombora, that meant getting crystal clear about who they were targeting (and why) and the measurable results of those efforts.

On the paid media front, we were targeting pretty broadly. We had an ICP, but we were also more focused on the lead gen effort and generating conversions.” 

To strengthen its go-to-market strategy and stay top of mind for the right people, Bombora needed to recalibrate its ICP and get everyone on the same page.


Leverage intent data in RollWorks while uniting marketing and sales motions.

The first step for Bombora was refining its understanding of the company’s ideal buyer. After arriving at a specific set of attributes they felt confident about getting in front of, the demand gen team became much more deliberate in its approach.

The demand gen team also made it a priority to align sales and marketing activities to not only focus on the same targets, but also focus on warm accounts with higher Intent.

Bringing Intent data into the mix played a major role in the shift. Armed with Bombora’s Intent data integrated directly into the RollWorks platform, Bombora began serving personalized ads to newly created, high-intent audience segments, and engaging buyers with relevant and meaningful offers based on topics they’re already interested in.

As one example, Bombora is experimenting with single Intent topic campaigns, which is driving a higher level of target account engagement on Bombora’s website compared to other campaigns, despite a comparatively lower CTR on the ads themselves.

It’s absolutely incredible how seamless, easy, and fast it is to deploy intent data in RollWorks. It’s not just an added layer, it’s a core component of our go-to-market strategy and ABM motions—and it plays a big role in the success we’re seeing.”


Increased investments, stable spend, and proof ABM works.

Bombora’s still in the early stages of developing its ABM program, but the demand gen team’s already seen significant results.

  • 17% higher CTR on RollWorks compared to non-intent display campaigns

  • 67% higher conversion rate on RollWorks compared to non-intent display campaigns

  • 10x increase in influenced pipeline with ABM approach on RollWorks

  • Increased target account engagement for single-topic Intent campaigns

Since switching their paid media approach from expansive to account-based, Bombora’s new influenced opportunities and revenue numbers continue to trend up while their marketing spend stays the same.

With RollWorks, it’s easy to see things like the percentage of accounts reached, visited, or engaged. We can also accurately see how engaged those accounts are and which account-level actions they took. Being able to share this sort of data with executives really validates that our ABM motion is effective and working.”

Naturally, this level of granularity also enabled the demand gen team to become significantly more targeted in their approach—but it also helped validate Brandon’s understanding of how ABM and Intent data are a perfect pair.

We are indeed reaching those accounts and opportunities that either wind up closing or influencing pipeline. This allowed us to secure more marketing budget and paid media budget to keep going. RollWorks helped us validate it, show it, and made it really easy for me to prove it.”

To that end, Bombora’s already now has a dedicated ABM team to oversee all account-based motions and maintain cohesion between marketing and sales as their program matures.

In the future, Bombora plans to deepen its use of RollWorks’ sales insights to treat account engagement more holistically and create increasingly personalized one-to-one campaigns.

If RollWorks wasn’t here, it’d be a lot more of a manual effort. We love that we can add contact level segmentation and Intent-based signals into a platform that’s all about getting in front of the right accounts. We’re going to let the data inform our next actions, but we’re really excited about getting more sophisticated with our ABM motions and we trust RollWorks to help us do it.”

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