How Aircall built their ABM program from the ground up

Case Study Overview

The customer

Aircall is a 100% cloud-based phone system. They help teams succeed and scale using a voice solution that is easy to use and connects with all their favorite business tools.

The challenge

The demand gen team knew they could close deals faster if Aircall stayed top of mind throughout the year — they just needed a way to do that with as many high-fit accounts as possible.

The payoff

In nine months, Aircall saw:

$192 cost per acquisition

90% of visitors visiting 2+ pages

75% completion rate for video ads

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How Aircall built their ABM program from the ground u

The customer

‘A very inbound-driven organization’ 

When Aircall director of demand generation Carly Dell joined the team, she was happy to see the sales and marketing teams worked closely together and already had an account-based mindset partnered with strong inbound performance.

But Carly and her team needed to confidently implement strategies that would deliver predictable results quarter over quarter. 

“Inbound channels can be quite volatile — one off-month can have a significant effect on growth,” Carly said.

The challenge

How to close deals faster by staying top of mind all year

So Carly wanted to find smarter ways to diversify the channels that were contributing to their growth.

Because of the nature of their sales cycle, Aircall discovered they could close deals quickly if they stayed top of mind throughout the year. Thus, the marketing team was providing a regular cadence of direct mail touchpoints to some target accounts.

“But outside of that we didn't have any ad campaigns running to target them,” said Carly. “There was an ABM mindset, but there wasn't a fully structured program.”

So Carly and her team started looking for the right tool to scale regular target account touchpoints.

“I needed a way to help us be smarter about how we approach a cohesive account-based strategy,” Carly said.

The solution

An easy-to-use data-backed platform and true account-based partner

After evaluating other vendors, Carly found the powerful account-based platform she needed.

“The RollWorks platform is really intuitive and user-friendly — and the fact that it's supported by data and insights built over the last 12 years — I felt RollWorks had the strongest foundation,” Carly said.

To start, Carly and her team used the RollWorks Identification Solution to validate their target account list. The sales and marketing teams had already worked together to develop their ideal customer profile (ICP). So with RollWorks, they were able to quickly see if there were any other high-fit target accounts they should be going after.

Next, to drive more opportunities for the sales team, they set up a series of lookalike and retargeting campaigns with the RollWorks Engagement Solution. They served ads to website visitors — and those who looked like their best customers — that led to a free trial or demo request page.

In the process of setting up those campaigns, Carly was happy to find an account-based partner she could trust.

“We had a great experience in working with our account manager and the RollWorks team,” Carly said. “They are a partner that takes the time to understand our business, what we want to do with ABM, and how to scale it."

The payoff

More conversions — and upleveling their account-based program

After nine months, Carly and her team at Aircall saw the success they were after.

In that time, 90% of visitors from RollWorks campaigns were visiting two or more pages. Also, with a 75% video ad completion rate, it looked like their ads were finding the right audiences. This resulted in a $192 cost per acquisition.

After seeing this initial success, Carly and her team now have the buy-in from their executives to move forward with RollWorks as their sole ABM vendor.

"We really trust that we can get our program to where we want it to be with RollWorks," said Carly. “RollWorks offers account management and creative services — this consultative approach makes them an ABM partner, not just an ABM vendor.”

They have now connected their Salesforce instance to their RollWorks account in order to sync data between platforms. This will allow them to engage not only the accounts on their target account list, but also the key decision makers on buying committees.

And with the RollWorks Measurement Solution, all teams will be able to see in real-time which accounts are showing the highest engagement, so that they know where to best invest their time and resources.

“The biggest thing that our ABM strategy has done for us is it's diversified the channels that drive revenue for our business,” Carly said. “That’s made us smarter how we leverage our outbound channel and added a lot of value to our relationship with sales. We wouldn't be where we are today if it hadn't been for the support of the RollWorks team, their knowledge around ABM, and their willingness to be a partner in building our strategy with us."

Ready to take your ABM program to the next level? Experience the power of RollWorks with a demo today! 
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