The Case for Intent: Quick Wins to Transform Your ABM

Simplify and Streamline with Intent Data

While marketers have more data at their fingertips than ever before, how do they determine what’s most useful for running efficient B2B plays? There’s only so much budget and so much time, and having a clear grasp on different data signals is paramount to see value.

The Case for Intent: Quick Wins to Transform Your ABM

This is especially true when you’re running more account-based programs, leveraging fit, intent, and engagement signals to have a ‘just right’ target account list (TAL). While using a combination of data is key, each type of data has its own unique role to play in a healthy ABM strategy. Let’s look at what sets them apart, and how you can get the most value:

Account Fit Data: Static, account-level data of firmographic, technographic, geographic attributes 

Account Engagement Data: Dynamic, account-level data based on content consumption of users linked to an account on your TAL’s website/branded content 

Account Intent Data: Dynamic, account-level data based on content consumption of users linked to an account through B2B web (primarily 3rd party sites) around topics related to an industry, category, or product

How to Leverage Intent Data

What do marketers often forget? Intent and engagement are two very different signals. Intent gives you space to bring off-site accounts in early buying cycles toward your brand, personalize their experiences (that leads to engagement), and progress accounts toward more valuable on-site actions. It’s a secret tool for you to get as close to reading their minds as possible. 

While we're in no way picking favorites, especially as we'll always argue that fit-first is a guiding principle, today we're paying attention to intent. We recently brought the power of intent signals to our platform, including Bombora Company Surge® data, and it's no surprise the value intent data can add if you're looking for quick wins or new ways to prioritize your efforts. Engagement is the powerful signal you'll want to rely on further into the buying cycle, but for now, let's take a look at a few powerful ways to leverage intent:

Uncover accounts early in their buying cycle

We don’t need to be the ones to tell you, but the B2B buyers journey never seems to get simpler. Between a string of different buyers and influencers with different interests and an overwhelming amount of data to inform decisions, it can be tough to prioritize. 

Who’s really ready to buy? What interests them most? Who should you prioritize your money and time on? With intent, this becomes much easier. 
By layering on intent signals, you’re able to identify accounts from your TAL demonstrating intent on relevant topics. From there on you can subsegment a TAL to kick off digital ad campaigns to get in front of the right buyers. 
Bonus: Level up your multi-touch impact with synced SDR outreach. Not only should you be hitting your accounts with digital, but your SDR team should be able to personalize their outreach based on intent topics for on-point follow-up.

Engage accounts with topic personalization

The more you know about what your accounts are looking for, the easier it is to reach them with the right offer. That’s where intent data can help inform personalization for key accounts based on topics they’re surging on.  

You can also segment these accounts into subset audiences to reach them with personalized ads catered to their surging topics. Not only are you able to find accounts with intent, but you can now speak to them just right.

Retain at-risk customers and reduce churn 

The dreaded churn. Ideally, if you’re running best-in-class ABM you should already be more primed to keep high-quality customers. That’s the key of working with a solid TAL, increasing retention. But there’s more you can do if you begin to see certain customers surging on competitive brands. With this insight, you can get a top list of customers at risk of not renewing and launch targeted campaigns against that list. This may look like educating them on key features they’re under-utilizing or inviting them to more training. 

The Signals to Keep You Ahead

While uncovering intent signals is a tool marketers need to stay ahead, it's always important to remember that intent alone isn't the foundation. Intent is one of the best ways to highlight early interest and can help inform the content you create, and for which accounts. But what's even more powerful? Combining fit, intent, and engagement. When you use all of these signals to keep you moving forward, you're positioned to prioritize in the most informed way possible. 

About the Author

Caroline Van Dyke, Head of Content

Caroline is a B2B marketer with a knack for building start-up content strategies from scratch. With a passion for crafting the right message at the right time (and a good pun), she leads content for real marketers by telling their real stories. In the rare case she's not busy writing, you can find her consuming true crime podcasts, stand-up specials, and copious amounts of cheese.

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