Design Your Own Target Account Journey with our ABM Template

Let’s face it, a one size fits all customer journey no longer makes the cut. Say goodbye to measuring leads based on traditional stages and welcome new methods of measurement that are defined by you.  It’s time marketers understand the true power of mapping a full account journey based on specific business needs. That’s why we created, Map & Measure: The DIY Account Journey Template, to help you build your own account journey from unaware to closed opportunity and beyond.  Still not convinced the workbook is for you? Well here’s a recap on the must-have measurement template that will empower you to take next best-actions with impact.

[Template] How to Design Your Own Target Account Journey

Building an account journey that works for you

The key to building an account journey that's designed for you is to take on two different perspectives. That's right, it all starts with an adjustment to how we look at the full account journey.  We break this down into two different lenses to view metrics on how your whole set of accounts are progressing AND see which touch points were most impactful for each specific account. 

1. Zoom out: Mapping the aggregate account journey

With a zoomed-out view of all of your accounts in aggregate, you design and define the full account journey as you see fit.  You’ll see general metrics on how your whole set of accounts are progressing and can create your own definitions as they move from unaware to post-sale stages. Consider integrating company-wide terminology, processes, tech stack data and other strategies in your custom definitions. 


A zoomed in lens gives you all the intel on specific priority accounts. Yes it's great to see accounts move through the journey in aggregate but you also have to dig into the specifics.  This gives you a close-up view on all marketing and sales touches to give a better understanding of what activities are driving account progression at any stage. These activities can look like:

  • Impressions
  • Emails Sent
  • Calls made
  • Page Visits 
  • Account Spikes
  • Ad Clicks

Turn journey insights into action for impact

Now that you have all this data, it's time to ask yourself, “What is the next-best course of action I can take based on all this information?” Remember, these new insights are here to help you launch targeted campaigns for big results. The best approach is to track the number of accounts moving between stages at any time to view the health of a specific account stage. 

So let’s say a higher than average amount of accounts go from engaged to aware (slipping back stages), this tells you that there’s a yellow flag on those accounts and that action is required. The same goes for yellow accounts going green (let’s say moving from engaged to close-won).  The difference here is that trajectory gives you insights on what you are doing right. Here’ a real example of how you could take action if you notice you need to move aware stage accounts into engaged stage accounts:

USE CASE SCENARIO: Aware > Engaged

  • Insight: Accounts have been sitting in the “aware” stage for over 30 days.
  • Action: Adjust nurture campaigns and content on landing pages.  
  • Impact: You’ll then see an impact of increased engagement with your website and content.
  • Customer Example: Blackbaud built three highly targeted campaigns with RollWorks and a series of relevant messaging to speak directly to each account. This resulted in a 94% increase in engagement  and ultimately led to a 10x ROI on pipeline. 

*More customer use cases can be found The DIY Account Journey Template.

Show me the impact 

After keeping track of account progression (or regression) and taking action, it's time to prove the long-term impact ABM’s made. These core metrics  will help to show how ABM helped your business create more opportunities, close deals, expand into new markets and more. Here are the metrics to include when giving yourself a pat on the back.


  • TAL total opportunities 
  • TAL total pipeline
  • TAL pipeline value
  • TAL sales velocity
  • TAL close rate
  • TAL average contract value
  • TAL total revenue
  • TAL recurring revenue


  • Customer churn rate
  •  Revenue churn percentage
  • NPS
  • Retention rate
  •  Customer lifetime value (CLV)


  • Total upsell Opportunities
  • Customer TAL upsell contract value
  • Customer TAL upsell win rate
  • Customer TAL upsell sales cycle length

Make your marketing process work for you. Download the D.I.Y. Account Journey Template to learn more on how to progress accounts through your unique journey.         


About the Author

Alysha Parker, Content Marketing Manager

Alysha is a Content Marketer at RollWorks

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