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Map & Measure: The D.I.Y. Account Journey Template

There is not a one-size fits all way to measure ABM success. Instead, marketers need to move to a full account journey map not just to measure ABM, but to take action on insights. That’s why we created this guide — part advice, part template on Measuring ABM through Account Journeys.

What's included?

  • Templates to define your own stages and criteria with the data and engagement definitions that matter most to YOU
  • 6 stage-based insights to use to drive accounts forward
  • Key ABM success metrics

About the Author

Caroline Van Dyke, Head of Content

Caroline is a B2B marketer with a knack for building start-up content strategies from scratch. With a passion for crafting the right message at the right time (and a good pun), she leads content for real marketers by telling their real stories. In the rare case she's not busy writing, you can find her consuming true crime podcasts, stand-up specials, and copious amounts of cheese.

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