Discover and Engage Known and Unknown Buyers with Marketo and RollWorks

September 12, 2023 Stacy Milman

With every changing headline and each shifting data point, I’m sure feature-centric updates and marketing-speak feel a bit unessential right now. We get it; your personal and professional life are probably blurring lines more than they ever have. Not to mention mounting pressure as we watch the economy prove its uncertainty day after day. 

Discover and Engage Known and Unknown Buyers with Marketo and RollWorks

This is a really scary time for all of us, and I’m sure we’re all struggling with how to do our jobs effectively. I’m currently at home with my two children trying to figure out a balance in this new normal. I put makeup on for the first time in two weeks to try to record a seamless video for you all, but as you can see (there is no video here!)...the echo of children dancing and singing and crying didn’t make for the perfect background. 

Fading channels, new opportunities 

We don’t need to remind you that in-person events, usually a major line item on demand gen budgets, have been wiped from the slate. For us, this meant no more Adobe Summit, a place we planned to get face-to-face time with Marketo users, exchanging best practices and trying to collectively uplevel our marketing for 2020.

Given the fact our marketing plans have been turned on their head — we’re scrambling to figure out how to interact with potential buyers in an effective and personalized way (I’m sure you are, too). This is when marketing to marketers reminds me of the community we have; we know what you’re dealing with first-hand. 

Chances are you’re in the same boat as us and being asked to be more efficient with your marketing investments and figure out new ways to engage your target buyers when they’re not jumping between booths at events but instead jumping between tabs at their new WFH desk. That’s why expanding beyond your marketing automation platform (MAP) is critical, and digital is your path forward.

Here’s what we’re reminding ourselves of: According to Forrester, 45% of B2B technology buyers rely on conference presentations and booth materials when making buying decisions. While that may feel like a tough hit to your buyer's journey, it’s key to remember 65% of B2B buyers prefer to conduct their purchase research online rather than work with a salesperson (and we know that’s who you had staffing your booths). 

And what's even crazier, most of your audience is spending even MORE time online now that everyone is 'stuck' at home. There's no better time to rethink and rechart how you're getting in front of new accounts and nurturing those already in your MAP. 

That’s a secret we’ll let you in on, as we’ve been able to pivot our own strategy as we’re maximizing our marketing dollars by reaching both known and unknown buyers wherever they’re working.

Expanding your MAP universe to the unknown with RollWorks and Marketo

Today, as most MAPs work, you’ve got tabs on known accounts and contacts in your database. You treat them to special nurture tracks and drip emails, you meet them where they’re at until they hit a threshold for sales to likely take over. If you work with the entire customer lifecycle, you likely also expand within accounts using MAP. That's where the RollWorks and Marketo integration can help you.

Through this bi-directional integration, joint customers can now further scale their account-based strategies through the addition of power of the RollWorks’ account data graph and machine learning capabilities. Customers can identify high-value accounts through the combination of the RollWorks account data graph which consists of approximately  20 million companies and 330 million contacts, and machine learning powered Account Scoring and Account Suggestion capabilities.

Customers can also reach and coordinate end-to-end journeys for anonymous buyers within priority accounts, complementing strategies they’re already executing for known buyers using Marketo Engage, and progress these accounts through the sales funnel quickly with cross-channel, hyper-personalized campaigns that are tailored based on role, sales stage, and company. Machine learning-powered advertising bidding and budgeting allows these campaigns to be executed at scale.

Simply put, with Marketo and RollWorks you’ll be able to: 

  • Engage KNOWN and UNKNOWN decision makers
  • Coordinate marketing and sales plays 
  • Shorten sales cycle
  • Show off your impact directly in Marketo  

Ready to unleash the power of the unknown? Check out how it works, read our official release, or email me at 

Here's to hoping we see you out on the event floor later this year, and if not, you'll find us online. 

About the Author

Stacy Milman

Stacy Milman is a Sr. Partner Marketing Manager at RollWorks. She loves learning about the latest and greatest in marketing technology . She has deep partner and developer marketing experience from her prior roles at Yahoo!, Magento, and Marketo. Stacy earned her B.A. from Penn State University (We are!), and her M.B.A. from Pepperdine University.

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