Level Up ABM & Shorten Your Sales Cycles with HubSpot + RollWorks

May 1, 2024 Cody Kloock

If you’ve been seeing the phrase “Account-Based Marketing” everywhere, it’s for good reason. ABM is the go-to marketing strategy for B2B businesses that want to shorten the lifecycle of leads in their pipelines, align their marketing and sales teams, and make their customers happy over the long haul.

And it works—especially in combination with a HubSpot + RollWorks Integration, and Inbound Marketing strategies because it: 

  • Aligns Sales + Marketing Teams

  • Helps Identify High-Priority Accounts

  • Prioritizes Leads

  • Optimizes Targeted Messaging

  • Delivers on Data

Let’s take a look at how HubSpot + RollWorks works to accomplish the ultimate ABM wishlist: 

Get Those Sales + Marketing Teams Aligned

When marketing and sales teams are misaligned, it can bring your whole organization to a standstill—with your customers stalled out feeling all the friction.  

The RollWorks + HubSpot Integration simplifies the ABM process to get your teams working like clockwork again. 

Here are a few ways for B2B teams to use the RollWorks ABM integration with HubSpot: 

  • Provide marketing air cover to help sales outreach with target accounts

  • Ensure marketing and sales are always on the same page when it comes to which accounts to focus on

  • Simultaneously target accounts with RollWorks ads while automating sales outreach based on account behavior

When your data is being shared between your teams seamlessly, and you have the power of custom workflows and robust automation, your teams can’t lose.

Identify Your High-Priority Accounts

This seems pretty straightforward, right? Creating your content for your ideal customer is a basic tenet of Inbound Marketing, and that relationship deepens with an Account-Based Marketing approach.

Thinking of your target accounts as a "North Star" can help you identify exactly who they are and keep them in mind at every turn. Your target accounts are constant and always there to guide you - just like your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). 

These customers guide your marketing and sales team alignment, your ABM efforts, and your operational strategy as a whole. Every pivotal decision should be made with these customers in mind. 

So, how exactly do you identify the right target accounts? By prioritizing leads that are the best fit for your business and visa versa. RollWorks identifies target accounts using ICP, engagement, and intent signals. 

Lead Prioritization

With HubSpot you can tier fit companies and RollWorks uses machine learning to score fit automatically.  This combination of intent and engagement signals leads to prioritize.

When you use positive and negative attributes, you can easily build a system inside the HubSpot ABM tool that can show you how well your ideal customer compares to companies you’re already in conversation with. 

RollWorks allows both marketing and sales teams to collaborate on which companies you’d like to target for campaigns by layering several factors (like intent + engagement) to determine which accounts are in-market and helps you find new ones. 

And all of that data goes straight into your HubSpot CRM. 

Now, you just have to engage those leads.

Targeting. Targeting. Targeting. 

But, creating and reaching the right audiences with the right message for target accounts can be daunting.

Take the sweat out of targeted content creation for your target accounts with RollWorks + HubSpot integration—because it makes it so much easier. 

The combination of HubSpot Data with RollWorks Targeting gives your marketing and sales teams a collaboration superpower to optimize your marketing efforts and increase your ROII—And who doesn’t love a higher ROI? (RollWorks also has a high reach and matching accuracy to ensure the right message is delivered to the right audience at the right time!)

Take a look at this short list of heavy lifts made lighter by linking your HubSpot to RollWorks:

  • Use HubSpot data to customize Journey Stages and view Journey Events in RollWorks and see how accounts are progressing or regressing in the buying journey, and what ABM strategies are working or need optimizing. 
  • View RollWorks advertising performance directly in HubSpot Reports and have the source of truth to all your marketing and sales data.

The combination of HubSpot Data with RollWorks Targeting gives your marketing and sales teams a collaboration superpower to optimize your marketing efforts and increase your ROI. 

And who doesn’t love a higher ROI? 

Sales Insights: See the Impact of ABM 

With RollWorks Sales Insights for HubSpot, your sales teams can use an advanced data science model to uncover key user signals like website and ad engagement with your target accounts. 

Sales Insights for HubSpot can help you:

  • Automate notifications to your sales team when target users actively engage with your website and ads.

  • Prioritize and personalize outreach with contact-level details such as who was the engaging contact and what engagement actions took place.

  • Gain visibility into marketing and sales touches throughout the account journey and prove the impact of ABM programs on sales.

  • Build HubSpot workflows to nurture engaged accounts and target leads that are most likely to convert.

Combine RollWorks and HubSpot to empower your sales + marketing teams with the data they need to find, engage, and convert your target accounts. 

The Perfect ABM Match 

RollsWorks’ HubSpot integration has been downloaded 150% more than the nearest ABM competitor on the HubSpot App Marketplace. 

Why? Because for all RollWorks and HubSpot plans, RollWorks ABM imports AND exports data between both platforms. 

Therefore, B2B companies of all sizes can use their own HubSpot data to leverage RollWorks' machine learning to target accounts and advertise across channels for a top-of-the-line ABM machine. 

Teams can then sync performance, account contacts, and website data back into HubSpot to create custom reporting and workflows. It’s the perfect ABM system.

Interested to see how you can upgrade your own Account-Based Marketing efforts and shorten your own sales cycle? Add RollWorks integration to your HubSpot account to boost your marketing and sales team's best efforts.

About the Author

Cody Kloock

Cody Kloock is the Marketing Coordinator for Growth Marketing Firm. Cody is also a baker, a dad, an advocate, and self-appointed Chief Positivity Officer.

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