Account-Based Marketing Initiatives: A Snapshot of ABM Momentum

ABM is no longer a strategy that’s only for big teams with gigantic budgets — In fact, most ABM programs aren’t even run by designated ABM managers. 

That’s why we teamed up with Ascend2 to uncover how 94% of B2B Marketers are using ABM to successfully achieve their goals. We asked over 130 marketers: 

  • Which channels they’re doubling-down on  
  • What goals they’re prioritizing 
  • And how they’re structuring their account-based programs

Get the results now and see where you can uplevel your own ABM program. 

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AI for Marketing: What It Is, Why You Need It & What You'll Lose Without It
AI for Marketing: What It Is, Why You Need It & What You'll Lose Without It

Marketers know artificial intelligence is the future. But ask them why and how they’ll use it…and you might...

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Build your ABM Plan in 3 Steps
Build your ABM Plan in 3 Steps

In this session, we’ll let you in on how small teams have found ways to “ABMify” what they’re already doing...