3 Ways to ABMify Lead Scoring to Hit Sales Targets and Boost Efficiency

April 12, 2023

Despite what you may have heard — we’re going to throw this out here: the lead is not dead. Instead, it’s time to use the tech and data (plus, strategy) to change the way you deliver high-quality contacts only to your sales team. After all, your sales team will never live in a world where they don’t need a buyer to be in direct contact with. 

Tune in as Jill Brock, Director of Revenue Marketing at RollWorks, discusses how to drive consistently higher quality leads through ABMified lead scoring so your marketing and sales teams can spend more time on the things that matter: reaching the right people at the right time with the right message.

After this session, you’ll be able to:

  • Differentiate between what a lead is and what a lead is not (spoiler alert: not every form fill is a lead)

  • Identify the high quality leads with de-anonymization and narrow your unconquerable ICP to a manageable TAL

  • Activate the data to reach all the best fit leads by ABMifying your lead scoring and optimizing hand-off to sellers

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