RollWorks Launches 'Hot Contacts,' an Entirely New Category of Sales-Ready Leads Based on Fit, Intent and Engagement

In just five months, RollWorks has already uncovered 1.5M additional leads for customers, with each customer receiving an average of 200 new leads per quarter

San Francisco, CA

SEPTEMBER 19, 2023 – Account-based marketing platform RollWorks, a division of NextRoll, today announced the general availability of Hot Contacts, a unique capability that gives marketers a rolling list of sales-ready leads that supplements the traditional marketing qualified lead (MQL) list. Since its beta launch in March of this year, RollWorks has delivered over 1.5 million sales-ready leads to its customers, with each beta customer receiving an average of 200 additional leads per quarter.

Hot Contacts provides a unique solution for marketers looking to expand their pool of sales-ready leads without increasing their budgets or resources, uncovering high-fit leads that have demonstrated sales-readiness based on their website visits and ad clicks. With Hot Contacts, Marketers can customize their definition of “sales ready,” so leads delivered to sales are always high quality, complementing marketing qualified leads (MQLs), which rely on form fills as a uniform measure of qualification. By leveraging additional buying signals to surface engaged prospects before and beyond form fill submissions, RollWorks enables marketers to expedite lead identification and sales handoff, uncover more members of the buying committee, and engage with prospects earlier in the buying journey to maximize existing programs and achieve lead goals faster.

“For far too long, an entire subsection of leads in the B2B space was being completely overlooked because of the inability to track them, but now with Hot Contacts, we have put an end to the archaic ways of generating leads,” said Jodi Cerretani, VP of Revenue Marketing at RollWorks. “Instead of only looking at form-completions, we are now expanding on the behaviors of individuals to their web use and ad engagement, creating an entirely new category of sales-ready leads. It’s a one-of-a-kind solution that no one else is providing to these organizations and we’re thrilled to deliver it to our customers.”

Hot Contacts relies on RollWorks ability to deanonymize prospects that have met a company’s sales-readiness threshold, based on fit, ad clicks, and website engagement, sending contact-level information pulled from Salesforce or HubSpot CRM. This dynamic list of sales-ready leads contains contact details like name and title for these sales-ready leads, as well as the event type, URL visited or ads clicked along with the date of last engagement so sales teams can tailor their outreach based on context.

Marketers who use Hot Contacts can uncover more engaged contacts with higher purchase propensity, and help sales teams prioritize engaged leads and personalize their outreach strategy for faster sales cycles and higher close rates.

“This is kind of a crazy new feature,” said Anthony McQueen, Director of Revenue Operations at WillowTree. “It addresses what every sales manager gripes about when you show them engaged accounts – they want to know who the contacts are. By identifying anonymous in-market leads, Hot Contacts is some next-level stuff!”

Rollworks is the only ABM solution to surface high-fit contacts with individual engagement event details. Hot Contacts is now available in Open Beta to all RollWorks customers within the RollWorks platform and Sales Insights solution.

Learn more about Hot Contacts and how RollWorks’ signal-based revenue marketing can help you here.