RollWorks’ ABM Play Generator Makes it Easier for Anyone to Start Their ABM Journey

Free tool gives B2B marketers personalized ABM plays they can immediately take action on

San Francisco, CA

September 15, 2022RollWorks, the account-based marketing (ABM) platform and division of NextRoll, today made it even easier for anyone to start their ABM journey. In partnership with Bombora and Sendoso, the company launched the RollWorks ABM Play Generator, an intuitive but easy to use, free tool that gives anyone actionable ABM plays, personalized for their individual business goals.

By answering five simple questions such as “What Primary Impact are you Looking to Make with ABM?,” anyone can receive an instant custom ABM play with easy steps to put into action immediately. They will also receive a copy, a recommended bonus play, and marketer-to-marketer video walk through. The ABM Play Generator is ideal for B2B marketing professionals at companies with more than 20 employees, and those in SaaS or professional services organizations. 

Whether you’re just getting started with ABM or looking for some fresh ideas to add to your current ABM programs, there is no one-size-fits all approach to ABM. The new RollWorks ABM Play Generator is a clever, super easy to use tool that gives any business an immediately actionable ABM play based on your unique circumstances,” said Jodi Cerretani, VP of Revenue Marketing, RollWorks. 

All RollWorks ABM Play Generator plays include steps to engage target audiences, calls to action, suggested channels, measurement, and pro tips, and are rated according to play cost, difficulty to execute, and outcome. Snapshot of popular plays: 

  • — The ABMifier: Fire Up Your 1: Many Channels: Ideal for B2B professionals who may experience flat pipelines despite incoming leads, the feeling of being ignored when passing leads to Sales, and needing more leads.
  • — The Pipeline Cruncher: Action In-Market Accounts to Fill Demand Gap: For these marketers who need to hit their pipeline goals, this play recommends to: Start with your high-fit accounts; segment your high-fit, high engagers; identify key personas in high-fit, highly-engaged accounts; and examine trends based on latest activity data.
  • — The Quality Qualifier: Nurture “Fit” Accounts to Pass Off Sales-Ready Accounts: For professionals who may use account scoring that may not be specific enough or ensure quality MQAs, need more MQA handoff opps from Sales, need to go beyond lead scoring’s opted-in leads to show the entire potential of unknown buyers at an account.

“The RollWorks ABM Play Generator is a creative tool to help account-based marketers build a play relevant to their business and the impact they’re looking to make with ABM. It provides useful tips and recommended actions that are easy to understand for marketers just beginning their ABM journey.” – Marissa Carter, Demand Marketing Manager, Bombora

“Sendoso is really excited to partner with RollWorks on the ABM Play Generator. It’s a fantastic tool to get real and actionable ABM recommendations that you can put to work immediately to help hit your H2 pipeline goals.” – Mollie Leon, Senior Demand Generation Manager, Sendoso

Learn more and get your free, customized ABM play today