How to report on your ABM campaigns—The ABM Reporting Template

April 30, 2024

Real talk: no one likes having to pull numbers and put together quarterly reports. But, measuring and reporting on your ABM programs is like piles up the longer you wait to do it. And as a B2B marketer, showing and understanding the success of your marketing campaigns is critical, so you can’t put it off forever.

So, to help ease the burden of reporting we created this ABM reporting template — a template so good it had hundreds of downloads in just the first 24 hours. This template has everything you need to demonstrate success and to report on your marketing wins. Best of all, we designed it to be customizable to fit your ABM reporting needs and speak to your key stakeholders.

Shifting to an ABM measurement mindset

Before you jump to showing impressive ABM outcomes, it’s key to reframe your measurement mindset. After all, ABM is about more than just traditional leads, it’s centered around accounts. 

Measuring ABM is different — the metrics that matter 

ABM metrics differ from traditional demand-gen marketing metrics, so your measurement and reporting should highlight some of these differences. Here’s what makes ABM measurement unique:

  1. Value over volume. ABM is not a spray-and-pray approach. Rather ABM is focused on getting more of the right leads from the right accounts. Quality over quantity, if you will.
  2. Accounts vs. people. Where demand gen is focused more on people, ABM focuses more on accounts. Rather than focusing on lead scoring and measurement, you’ll want to look at account scores and progression. 
  3. Revenue. Like any marketing effort, ABM should have a strong ROI and drive revenue growth. Download the template to see how best to measure direct pipeline from ABM programs. 

So, what marketing metrics should you report on?

The first step in ABM reporting is setting the stage for your stakeholders by clearly defining what the goals and KPIs of your campaigns were. This template outlines exactly how to demonstrate ABM’s role and impact on your company’s overall business goals and objectives. 

Show ABM drives revenue 

Ultimately ABM is about aligning teams so they can close bigger and better deals in less time. By focusing on 3 key things you can prove the value of your ABM campaigns: 

  1. Marketing and sales alignment. It’s cliche but true— teamwork makes the dream work. If your marketing and sales teams are focused on the same target accounts, you can run coordinated campaigns more likely to perform better. A strong ABM program ensures that marketing is focused on the same set of target accounts as the sales teams.
  2. Efficient and effective investments. Money where it matters. Targeting a data-driven, prioritized set of accounts means you’re investing your money and efforts more efficiently. Better budget allocation makes everyone happy. 
  3. Deals closed faster. A focused, strategic ABM approach translates into higher win rates and shorter sales cycles. Show how the accounts you’re targeting with ABM are closing faster.

Show account progress through the funnel

Now that you know which metrics to report on, you’ll want to think about how to track the progression of your target accounts through the multi-channel buyer's journey. From first-touch to post-sale, how are accounts progressing through each funnel stage?

The 30, 60, and 90+ day metrics to prove ABM success

Once you’ve defined your funnel or journey stages, you’ll want to look at progress on a time scale. Breaking your metrics down into 30-60-90 day shifts can allow you to see where and when accounts move between stages. 

Track channel-by-channel

Show all the channels (and any supporting vendors) you used for your account-based programs during your reporting period. Then categorize each into what its strategy was along with goals, and results. 

The most important thing when presenting ABM success is to keep it simple (which is why we built this template!) Ready to pull it all together? Download the ABM reporting template now. 

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